
This is a collection of links to various third-party resources that I've found useful or interesting - including academic articles, blog posts, books, podcasts, and videos.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions of additional resources that you think I might like to include.

Animal advocates are often prone to compare the struggle for animal rights with other social justice issues. We love to explain the parallels between sexism and speciecism, or compare animal farming with slavery. To what extent are these…
Our culture feminizes compassion. It also masculinizes meat-eating. Women become easy targets....

Aphro-ism (Aph Ko and Syl Ko)

Essays on Pop Culture, Feminism, and Black Veganism from Two Sisters...
There are many ways to help reduce the suffering of animals which can broadly be separated into two categories: direct care and advocacy. Those working in animal advocacy act as an ally for animals, speaking up on the myriad of issues…
Svetlana and Laura joined us to speak about Holocaust and genocide analogies in animal advocacy and about the type of advocacy that can turn marginalised groups away from the animal movement...