Consultancy CV

Consultant / Technical Director, The Vegan Society – January 2014 to April 2017 (part time)

Having originally approached the society regarding the possibility of establishing and managing a London office, I was engaged to consult on the society’s online presence and database consolidation. In this capacity, I have successfully delivered various projects that had previously proven challenging – such as the award-winning website (Drupal), a Customer Relationship Management database for membership (CiviCRM), and the trademark search.

Managing Director, NEME – December 2001 to date

Sole director of new media company providing full solutions and complementary services to design and marketing agencies (such as Envirocomms and Sherry Design) as well as direct clients – engaging third-parties, as appropriate.

I have managed the development of websites, content management systems, e-commerce solutions, e-learning tools, online advertising, and animations, carried out internet security audits, and provided copywriting and proof-reading services, for organisations in a wide range of industry sectors:

  • Charities (e.g. The Children’s Society, and The Museum of London)
  • NGOs (e.g. Arts Council England, and The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council)
  • Local government (e.g. Essex County Council, and Rother District Council)
  • Education (e.g. Duncombe Primary School, and Forest Gate Community School)
  • Entertainment (e.g. Universal Records, and Sound Division)
  • IT (e.g. Hewlett-Packard / Compaq, and Oracle / Sun Microsystems)
  • Retail (e.g. The Curtain Pole and Track Company, and Hugapet)
  • Finance (e.g. Lloyds TSB, and XL)
  • Advertising and marketing (e.g. Saatchi and Saatchi, and Page / Envirocomms).

Managing Director, Gyro New Media / Head of New Media, Gyro – April 1999 to December 2001

Establishment of a new media division for one of the UK’s fastest growing communications agencies, with full responsibility for the business worldwide – from overseeing projects, through recruitment, to the P&L account.

Notable clients included Oracle / Sun Microsystems, and Tate & Lyle.

Project Manager, Red Kite New Media (Saatchi & Saatchi) – June 1996 to April 1999

After establishing the web production facility, my role as the project manager expanded with the rapid growth of the business, and involved overseeing all significant projects – both standalone, and within mixed-media campaigns.

Projects ranged from the original website for The National Lottery to through-the-line branding for Lloyds TSB.

Internet Development Manager, Cybermagic – October 1995 to May 1996

Overall responsibility for the production of websites for this new media start-up and its clients, including research into new technologies, and hands-on development.

Systems and Software Engineer, BT – September 1992 to October 1995

Development and procurement of computer systems to meet business needs for internal customers – under a BS5750/ISO9001 Quality Management System.

I was also the webmaster for BT’s first website – a departmental intranet that became the most accessed site within BT, and the registry for BT’s other sites. This led to a role as de facto web advisor to BT worldwide.


  • CiviCRM User and Administrator training (CiviCon London)
  • Essential leadership skills (NCVO)
  • Get great press – essential media training (NCVO)
  • Make your board effective (NCVO)
  • Social Media (FutureLearn)
  • Strategy made easy: simple steps to producing your strategic plan (NCVO)
  • The cohesive team cycle – five steps to building cohesive teams (NCVO)