Head Organiser, London Vegan Meetup – November 2011 to date
- Growing membership from 750 to almost 10,000 (now one of the world's largest vegan groups).
- Increasing the diversity, inclusivity and quantity of events.
- Hosting some of Europe’s largest monthly vegan events (up to 150 attendees).
- Managing various social media channels.
- Speaking on veganism, community building, and effective activism at events and to the media – including the BBC, Channel 4, and Vegan Life.
Trustee / Chair of the Board of Trustees, The Vegan Society – May 2018 to July 2021
- Contributed to the strategy and governance of this medium-sized charity.
- Successfully introduced policies on transparency and diversity.
- Chaired council meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
Secretary, Animal Welfare Special Interest Group, Mensa – January 2017 to October 2018
- Managed the Animal Welfare Special Interest Group (SIG) for fellow Mensa members.
- Produced a regular newsletter on animal rights, animal welfare, animal liberation, veganism, vegetarianism and vivisection.
Founder, Vegan Rights (UK) – September 2016 to January 2019
Campaign Manager (Brexit), International Vegan Rights Alliance – February 2017 to January 2019
- Secured media coverage on Brexit's impact on the status of veganism as a “protected belief”.
- Obtained assurances from the likes of the Attorney General and the Shadow Brexit Secretary.
Technical Director (consultant), The Vegan Society – January 2014 to April 2017
- Advised on online opportunities, database consolidation, and GDPR.
- Delivered a range of challenging projects – including the award-winning website (Drupal), the online trademark search, and a Customer Relationship Management database (CiviCRM).
Volunteer Manager (London), VegfestUK – July to October 2015
- Recruited and managed over 70 volunteers for one of the UK’s largest vegan festivals.
Local Contact, The Vegan Society – April 2012 to August 2019
- Managed (and recruited volunteers for) stalls at festivals.
- Supported potential and existing vegans.
Chair / Mentor, London Vegan Pledge, Vegan Campaigns – January 2009 to October 2013
- Mentored new vegans, managed the mentor team, and chaired the overall event.
- Campaigning on animal rights issues with organisations such as Animal Aid.
- Volunteering for organisations such as the London Vegan Festival, FRIEND Farm Animal Sanctuary, and Animal Equality.
- Studying behaviour change and effective advocacy – with particular regard to veganism.
- Speaking on veganism, community building, and activism – at festivals, to various groups, and to the media.
- Organising The Antisocial Social – a support group for vegans battling anxiety and depression.
- Managing vegan-related social media accounts, groups and pages.
- Mentoring new vegans for the Vegan Easy Challenge from Animal Liberation Victoria.
- Participating in The Vegetarian Society’s KIN event.
- Composing music for radio shows The Vegan Option, and Vegetarianism: The Story So Far.
- DJing at vegan events including VegfestUK, London Vegan Drinks, and Bowl for Oceans (Sea Shepherd fundraiser).
- Vegan since 1996.
- A trustee’s role and responsibilities (NCVO).
- Charity trustee induction and refresher training (NCVO).
- Charity Fast-Track (Utopy). Graduated with distinction, and won the Mentors' Choice Award 2019 for Culture and Communications.
- CiviCRM User and Administrator training (CiviCon London).
- Essential leadership skills (NCVO).
- Get great press – essential media training (NCVO).
- Introduction to sustainable funding (NCVO).
- Introduction to the UK Parliament (FutureLearn).
- Make your board effective (NCVO).
- Managing change in your non profit (NCVO).
- Media training for animal rights and vegan activists (Vegan Business Media).
- Setting up a charity (NCVO).
- Social Media (FutureLearn).
- Strategy made easy: simple steps to producing your strategic plan (NCVO).
- The cohesive team cycle – five steps to building cohesive teams (NCVO).
- The essentials of charity finance (NCVO).
See also