
This is a collection of links to various third-party resources that I've found useful or interesting - including academic articles, blog posts, books, podcasts, and videos.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions of additional resources that you think I might like to include.

Content Warning: sexual violence and abusive behavior When we think of cults, we think of them as being religious in nature and devoted to something sinister but cults are not always religious-based sometimes cults form as activists groups…
You can be invested in animal rights, veganism, or vegetarianism without perpetuating other forms of oppression – but be sure to steer clear of these common ways the mainstream movements can be hurtful....
PERSPECTIVE | We can create a culture where no one is ‘treated like a piece of meat’...
Dr. Casey Taft and Tobias Leenaert discuss their different approaches to animal advocacy strategy. Taft will present a perspective as a clinical psychologist who promotes a clear vegan end goal. Leenaert will present a perspective he…
In discussions of effective animal advocacy (EAA) — the field of study for how we can most effectively help animals, also known as effective altruism for animals — there are several important, challenging, and sometimes controversial…