
This is a collection of links to various third-party resources that I've found useful or interesting - including academic articles, blog posts, books, podcasts, and videos.

Please get in touch if you have any suggestions of additional resources that you think I might like to include.

A sociological analysis of the animal advocacy movement, drawing on theories related to social movements and organisations....
Sandra Higgins spoke to the audience about what other animals need from us. Motivated by her work with the residents of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary Ireland, she spoke about their need for us to move from speciesism to a radically new way…

Why large animal organisations will NOT promote consistent veganism (On Human Relations with Other Sentient Beings)

In this revealing interview, Dr Pendergrast explains why the main groups in the "animal rights movement" do not have a clear vegan message.

Why Trump Veganism Must Go (Vegan Feminist Network)

History has shown that appealing to privilege will encourage behavior change that is unstably based on violent ideology. This violent ideology supports discriminatory actions.
Hey Everyone! This is the speech that I gave at Vegfest London (October 2017). In this talk, I try to make sense of the fact that veganism is growing, and st......